Sleep Apnea Appliances
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes people to stop breathing or breathe shallowly while they sleep. These breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to a few minutes and can occur many times a night.
​Sleep apnea can cause poor ventilation and disrupted sleep, which can lead to daytime sleepiness.
. Other symptoms include:
Dry mouth upon awakening
Restless sleep with periods of wakefulness during the night
Increased need to get up from bed to urinate
Irritability or frustration
Loud snoring with periods of silence followed by gasps
Falling asleep during the day
Morning headaches
Trouble concentrating
While sleep apnea itself isn't considered fatal, it can increase the risk of serious conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. People with sleep apnea are also at higher risk for car crashes and work-related accidents. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Sleep apnea oral appliances or mandibular advancement devices are custom-made mouth guards that treat obstructive sleep apnea by keeping the airway open while you sleep. These can be taken in and out of your mouth and are often worn at night.
In preparing a custom sleep apnea appliance for you, our dentist will work with your physician to determine the nature of your sleep disorder and to make sure an oral device is the best solution for you.
Call us at 732 283 0500 to schedule a visit.

732 283 0500