Chipped Tooth
A chipped tooth occurs when a piece of tooth breaks off. It can be caused by an accident, like a fall or biting down on something hard. Sometimes a tooth chip it reveals itself as a form of a sharp or jagged area that irritates your mouth.
A chip on one of the pointed chewing surfaces of the back teeth is called a broken cusp. This type of chipped tooth is rarely painful, but it should be examined by a dentist.
The type of treatment depends on the severity of the chip. Minor chips may require polishing or applying a dental bonding which can improve the appearance of the tooth. Moderate chips: may require a crown or onlay to cover the broken tooth.
For severe chips a root canal and crown may be needed to restore function to the tooth.
Following are some steps you can do if you chip your tooth:
Clean the area: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to kill bacteria and reduce the risk of infection.
Stop bleeding: Place a small piece of sterile gauze in your mouth.
Reduce swelling: Use a cold compress.
Take pain relievers: Take an over-the-counter pain reliever to reduce discomfort.
Eat soft foods: Avoid hot or cold beverages, and don't chew gum or eat on the side of your mouth with the broken tooth.
Call us to schedule an appointment: our dentist will check the damage and recommend the best treatment.
732 283 0500